Sunday, August 16, 2015

A letter to myself

Dear (future) me , 

I know what you have been through and what you have done in your life. You have had  highs and lows , success and failure , love and hate , happiness and sadness. 

I simply do not know what you will be and where you end up in the future but I am sure that you will be finding your way to make yourself happy and be happy with who you will be and what you will be doing. 

Do not let others define you and do not let others to get you down. You are who you are and it's amazing to see you being YOU. 

I know and I believe in you that you will never ever ever follow money and success without a genuine happiness. 

Money is not important at all in your life. It may sound cliché but it is THE truth. Clichés exist for a reason. Do not ever think that money is the only thing that will make you happy. 

Be more positive! I know it's not easy to be positive sometimes but be aware that positivity can (probably) bring you peace to some extent which is a important factor of being happy. 

Thank you in advance for everything you will be doing. I expect the unexpected and I am very excited for you and for your future. 

Yours , 

(present) me

23:28 , 16 Aug 2015

1 comment:

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