Monday, May 6, 2013

အခုတေလာ နားေထာင္ၿဖစ္ေနတဲ့ သီခ်င္းေတြ

က်ေနာ္ သီခ်င္းေတြကို အရမ္းၾကိဳက္တယ္ .. အရမ္းရူးသြပ္တယ္ .. ကိုယ္တိုင္ေတာ့ သိပ္မဆိုတတ္ေပမယ့္ နားေထာင္ရတာကို အရမ္း ၾကိဳက္တယ္ ၊ သီခ်င္းမွာ ႏွစ္ေမ်ာစီးဝင္ရတာကို က အရမ္းမိုက္တာ ။ က်ေနာ္ကေတာ့ စိတ္ညစ္စရာဘဲ ရွိရွိ ေပ်ာ္စရာဘဲရွိရွိ သီခ်င္းပဲ နားေထာင္တယ္ ။ အခုေနာက္ပိုင္း အဂၤလိပ္ သီခ်င္းေတြ နားေထာင္ၿဖစ္တာမ်ားတယ္ ၊ အခုတေလာ နားေထာင္ၿဖစ္ေနတဲ့ သီခ်င္း ေလး ငါးပုဒ္ ေလာက္ရွိတယ္ .. က်ေနာ္ အရမ္းၾကိဳက္မိတဲ့ သီခ်င္းေလးေတြပါ ၊ တၿခားလူေတြ ၾကိဳက္မၾကိဳက္ေတာ့ မသိဘူး ၊ ဒါေပမယ့္ ေတာ္ေတာ္မ်ားမ်ားေတာ့ ေကာင္းတဲ့ အသံေလးေတြ ၿပန္ၾကားရတဲ့ သီခ်င္းေလးေတြေပါ့ ။ ပထမဆံုး ေၿပာခ်င္တဲ့ သီခ်င္းေလး က Emeli Sande ရဲ႕ Clown ဆိုတဲ့ သီခ်င္းေလးပါ ၊ ဆိုထားတာ အရမ္းခံစားခ်က္ပါ ပါတယ္ ၊ စ စ နားေထာင္တုန္းက ဆိုရင္ မ်က္ရည္ေတာင္ဝဲမိပါတယ္ ။ သူခ်စ္တဲ့သူ တစ္ေယာက္အတြက္ ကေလာင္း ၿဖစ္ခ်င္ၿဖစ္ေနပါေစ .. သူ အေကာင္းဆံုး ၾကိဳးစားသြားမယ္ဆိုတဲ့ သီခ်င္းေလးပါ ၊ ခ်စ္သူေပ်ာ္ဖို႔ဆို အကုန္လိုက္ေလ်ာေပးမယ္ ဆိုတဲ့ အေၾကာင္းေလး ေရးထား ၊ ဆိုထားတာပါ ။ သံစဥ္ေကာ စာသားေကာ ၊ ဆိုဟန္ ကအစ အရမ္းၾကိဳက္တယ္ ၊ ထြက္ထားးတာလဲ မၾကာေသးေတာ့ မရိုး မအီေသးဘဲ နားေထာင္ၿဖစ္ေနတာပါ ေနာက္တစ္ပုဒ္ ကေတာ့ lawson အဖြဲ႔ ရဲ႕ Standing in the Dark ဆိုတဲ့ သီခ်င္း ။  ဒီတစ္ပုဒ္လဲ အရမ္းေကာင္းတယ္ ။ သီခ်င္း အေၾကာင္းေတာ့ ပ်င္းလို႔ ေနာက္မွဘဲ ထပ္ေရးေတာ့မယ္ ။

Friday, May 3, 2013

ဂူးဂဲ ဘေလာ့ ကို ခုမွစသံုးတာ

ဂူးဂလဲ ဘေလာ့ ကို စသံုးၾကည့္တာေတာ့ မဆိုးပါဘူး ၊ သံုးရတာေတာ့ အဆင္ေၿပတယ္ .. ဒါေပမယ့္ ဘေလာ့ ဖတ္ခ်င္ရင္ ရိုးရိုးဆိုက္ေတြလို ဝင္ဖတ္လို႔ မရဘူးလား ... ေသခ်ာေတာ့ ၿပန္မၾကည့္ရေသးဘူး .. အစမ္းအေနနဲ႔ေတာ့ တစ္ပုဒ္ ႏွစ္ပုဒ္ေလာက္ တင္ၾကည့္တာပဲ ရွိေသးတယ္ ။ ကိုယ္ ဖတ္ေစခ်င္တဲ့ လူေတြကို အင္ဗိုက္ လုပ္ၿပီး ဖတ္ခိုင္း ေရးထားတာေတြကို ရွဲၿပီး ဖတ္ခိုင္းရတာမ်ိဳးၾကီး .. ဖွီးခ်ားစ္ ေတြ အကုန္လံုးေတာ့ မၾကည့္ရေသးဘူး .. ခုႏွေလးတင္ တၿခားသူေတြရဲ႕ ဘာေလာ့ကို ဝင္ၾကည့္တာ ပါမစ္ရွင္ ဒီႏိုင္း ဆိုၿပီး ေပၚလာၿပီး ဝင္လို႔ကို မရတာ ... ဘာၾကီးမွန္းလဲ မသိဘူး .. ဆက္ကလိလိုက္ဦးမယ္

A puzzle that could never be worked out

That was just a story. But for me it’s a never ending one. I know that wouldn’t be happening again but I just wanna think it over and over again. I had a slight chance to see you not belonging to me anymore. It hurts to see you with another one and it much more hurts to imagine that you were happy together. That’s my regret that I could not grab the chance to win it over or I think that I can do it like … anytime. It was like shock to me when I get to know that you are of the other. But I just could not tell the truth and open to you just like you did not. I think we both pretended that it was only a coincidence although we realized that it is really systematically and romantically born. Then we made our mind to forget everything and end up. It’s not what I wished and it’s not what you have been waiting for.
Honey can never be bitter. But that honey was forced to mix with the others to sacrifice itself then turn into one I have never ever seen before , it was short time but huge amount of remembering were accidentally created by you and by me or let’s just say by us (not any more). I still have to look back what you have cared me whenever it tickles me out. But we’ve been very far away. And hoping to make it again, you don’t start and I don’t launch to recreate it.
There is a tiny layer between love and hate. But the fact that you could not have any connection with me could not make me penetrate and make me arrive to other side of layer. The things remembered are just pulling me back to stay where we have stayed. The feelings were just emotional not knowing ourselves. We just had it and we lost it.
You showed your eyes just for a lighting second and I could grab it. But it was too late to represent what I’ve looked for and what I’ve found. Then you restore it but I see it beating to jump out of the chest. It’s me longing for it. It’s me trying to look for something to replace it. But so far nothing can fix.