Monday, July 7, 2014

Mario by Ni Ni Khin Zaw

              I've always loved Ni Ni Khin Zaw for her such amazing talent of singing and her expressions while singing is just perfect , at least to me :) Her album , Mario , is the really good album to listen to. For me , I love every single track of this album since it was released. The genre are well blended , pop , R&B , things like that.
            Since I liked her since debut , I listened to all of these tracks and I fell in love with them. Some of my favorites are ''Yet Set Thwer Thu'' , A Thae Ma Kwel Br Nae'' , '' Myaw Lin Chat Ta Sone Ta Yar'' , and a couple of others.
            Today , I watched the MTV which I bought last Sunday. It was not that nice. Some MTV are much like the Korean ones which is not a bad thing thou. For me , I prefer the songs to the MTVs. But not boring at all to watch them until the end as I can enjoy her music still .. The MTVs do not definitely destroy the songs and the themes of the songs.
           Primarily , I bought the MTVs not because I want to enjoy them , but because I want to support her .. So , not have the perfect shoots do not bother me at all :D
           Mario by Ni Ni Khin Zaw ... Super :D

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