Thursday, July 16, 2015

Words to remind myself

Different people have different opinions and ideas. 

You cannot expect everyone in the whole damn world to come together and be united as one. 

But it's crucially important that you know how to respect other opinions and ideas and beliefs. 

I always remind myself that I cannot agree on what others say all the time and every other people cannot (cannot) agree on what I say. And it is okay , perfectly fine. 

What you have been taught , learned , told might be very different towards the others and you should not (absolutely not) think the others wrong. They are just different and it does not mean they are wrong or you are right. 

Some people are kind while others are mean. Some people are helpful while others are ignorant. Some people are flexible while others are strict. Some are wise while others are dumb. 

Every one has their own good and bad. Don't judge others because you do not know what they have been going thru.

What I know or what you know is just as little as a rain drop in the ocean. 

There is no such thing called Eternal Truth. Do not hold on only one thing 

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